Be apart of our powerful community! “I believe that it is so important to have accurate representation of people who look like us, working for us and with us. Minorities hold so much knowledge in aquaculture, yet we hold little power. It’s time to change that.” — Kamille Morton, MIA Member and Intern Name * First Name Last Name Email * Preferred pronouns * Ethnicity/ demographic you identify with * Location (by state or country of residence): * Aquaculture/fisheries area of expertise: * Shellfish Finfish Algae (micro) Algae (macro) Seafood processing Seafood sales/marketing Public health Permitting Other Highest Level of Education Received: * High school Undergraduate Graduate Currently enrolled in: * Associates Degree Undergraduate Degree Graduate - Masters Graduate - Doctorate Post-graduate Career For post-graduates, please indicate how many years you have been working in the aquaculture or fisheries industry: 1-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years What do you hope to gain from MIA membership? * I've acknowledged the Rules of Engagement of Minorities In Aquaculture, and plan to follow those rules throughout my involvement in Minorities In Aquaculture. Also, I give MIA my consent to use the information I've provided on the membership form (above) to be used by MIA to create effective networking opportunities, programs and support for all MIA members. * Yes, I acknowledge and understand MIA's Rules of Engagement, and plan to follow those rules through my involvement of Minorities In Aquaculture. Also, I give MIA consent to use my information as needed. Yes, I acknowledge and understand MIA's Rules of Engagement, and plan to follow those rules through my involvement of Minorities In Aquaculture. But, NO I DO NOT give MIA my consent to use my information. Welcome to MIA! We are so happy to have you part of our amazing network. As a member, you have access to exciting programming and networking opportunities. As an organization, we want to create a safe-space for our members to freely communicate and share our experiences, and everyone within MIA to have access to network and connect with one another outside of scheduled events. Thank you for your commitment to keeping out network and organization a space that prioritizes our members’ safety and security in all events operated by Minorities In Aquaculture, by acknowledging our Rules of Engagement & consenting to contribute useful information which in order to create effective networking opportunities, programs and support for members.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! If you are interested in setting up a meeting with MIA Founder, Imani Black, check out Imani’s updated calendar to pick a date/time ( look forward to seeing you soon!